
Was bei uns im Archiv landet, ist noch längst nicht abgeschlossen. Vielmehr dient es uns als Wunderkammer, in der man stöbern, sich inspirieren lassen, Ideen wieder aufnehmen und weiterspinnen darf. Bei Interesse an ausführlichen Informationen über die einzelnen Projekte kontaktieren Sie uns bitte persönlich.

Belux General Catalogue Print

Scope of Work Art Direction, Conception, Merchandise, Printed Matter

Client Vitra, Birsfelden

Mountain Dragon Timeline Interactive

Scope of Work Conception, Information Graphics, Visual Identity, Web Design

Client Jack Duval, USA

Felix Candela Exhibit

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey

Eero Saarinen Editorial

Scope of Work Printed Matter

Client Phaidon Press, London

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Identity

Scope of Work Building Graphics, Conception, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Printed Matter, Visual Identity, Wayfinding

Client The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Murphy & Dine Identity

Scope of Work Conception, Installation, Logo Design, Printed Matter, Visual Identity, Web Design

Client Murphy & Dine, New York

Temple and Tomb Exhibit

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Installation, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client ISAW Insitute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York

Pop Art Editorial

Scope of Work Editorial Work, Exhibit Design, Merchandise, Printed Matter

Client Princeton University Museum, New Jersey

Stadthalle Laufenburg Signage

Scope of Work Art Direction, Building Graphics, Conception, Logo Design, Visual Identity, Wayfinding

Client Gemeinde Laufenburg

Frank Gehry – On Line Exhibit

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client Princeton University Art Musem, New Jersey

Harlem Stage Identity

Scope of Work Graphic Design, Interactive Design, Logo Design, Printed Matter, Visual Identity

Client Harlem Stage, New York

Pop Art Exhibit

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Merchandise, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client Princeton University Art Musem, New Jersey

Nubia Exhibit

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Installation, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client ISAW Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York

Ecological Urbanism Identity

Scope of Work Conception, Graphic Design, Printed Matter

Client Harvard University, Cambridge

Hill+Knowlton Print

Scope of Work Printed Matter

Client Hill+Knowlton, London

Kaserne Basel Identity

Scope of Work Conception, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Logo Design, Printed Matter, Visual Identity, Web Design

Client Kaserne Basel

Belux Single Product Pamphlet Print

Scope of Work Conception, Printed Matter

Client Vitra, Birsfelden

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Environmental

Scope of Work Building Graphics, Conception, Installation

Client The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Punkt (competition) Typeface

Scope of Work Typeface Design

Client Monotype, Berlin

The Lost World of Old Europe Exhibit

Scope of Work Conception, Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Installation, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client ISAW Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York

The Art of Structural Design: A Swiss Legacy Exhibit

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Installation, Printed Matter, Showcase Design, Wayfinding

Client Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey

Vani Print

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Installation, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client ISAW Institut for the Studies at the Ancient World, New York

BMW: Artcar by Jenny Holzer Exhibit

Scope of Work Art Direction, Exhibit Design

Client BMW, München

Alphabet Cube Prototype

Scope of Work Conception, Design

Client CoDe. Zürich

Echeos of the Past Exhibit

Scope of Work Exhibit Design, Graphic Design, Installation, Printed Matter, Showcase Design

Client ISAW Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York

Harvard University Poster

Scope of Work Graphic Design, Printed Matter

Client Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

Talacker Augenzentrum Zürich Identity

Scope of Work Logo Design, Printed Matter, Visual Identity, Wayfinding

Client TAZZ, Zürich

Mixed Use Manhattan Editorial

Scope of Work Editorial Work

Client Dia Art Foundation, New York / Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid